“[The] triceps, lats (latissimus dorsi muscles), and core are all important in providing support for strength, posture, and control through the body,” says Jennifer Esquer, PT, DPT, a physical therapist, influencer, and creator of The Mobility Method and The Optimal Body. “The more strength we have through all different ranges of motion, the more control we have to minimize pain and injury.” And you don’t need to rely on the gym, pricey classes, or complicated equipment to start improving your arm strength. And that’s especially great news these days, when most of our living rooms and backyards are doubling as workout spaces. Below, check out three moves from Esquer meant to target the triceps in safe progression, while engaging the core, shoulders, pecs, and upper back. The best part? Zero resistance bands, dumbbells, or excess equipment required—all you need is a little space to move and the will to work. And don’t miss Esquer’s full video demo for each exercise, above. (A) Start in a modified plank position with knees on the floor and elbows directly under shoulders. (B) Push elbows into the ground, bring the rib cage up and into the core, and tuck the tailbone under to squeeze glutes. (C) Push up evenly from both hands until arms are extended straight, then slowly bend back down plank. To make them harder: Start with feet on the floor in full plank position, or start with elbows even closer to the body. RELATED: How to Do a Proper Plank That Works All the Right Muscles (A) Begin on the floor, lying on your back and place your hands flat on either side of your body. (B) Lift hips up and over shoulders, tucking into a tight ball (hands stay flat and steady on the floor). (C) Slowly roll hips back down until just before your tailbone touches the ground—the moment before it does, push right back up. (A) Use proper push-up form: Thumbs are in line with the nipple line Elbows naturally bend at 45 degree angle (don’t let your elbows squeeze too close to the body or flare outward) Tuck the tailbone under, squeeze the glutes, and draw in belly button to keep the core activated and aligned (B) Lower chest to chair and press all the way up, keeping shoulder blades open and pressing away from spine at the top of the push-up. RELATED: Easy Exercises to Help You Eliminate Annoying Aches and Pains