Freeze frame, record scratch, flash forward to 2020, this little trick has reestablished itself in my beauty rituals. I may not be waking up to get to class on time, but I am definitely testing my snooze button dangerously close to 9 AM. These days, I can’t always muster up the energy to spend a ton of time on my hairstyle, so many mornings I have resorted to a messy bun or last minute ponytail. After deciding that my coworkers had seen far too many of my flyaways, I decided it was time to marry the best of both worlds: a cute style with little to no effort on my part. Ta-da! The wet braids were born—er—reborn! Follow the instructions below to create your own. I chose to French braid each side, but you can accomplish something similar by just braiding both sides or doing a single braid. It all depends on your style preference.